You've read that I fear the ajeemas, but the boys both had interesting interactions with some this week that made me laugh. While Nick and Elisabeth went to her violin lesson in the city, the boys and I rode along then wandered the neighborhood for an hour. Along the way, David (in his Charles Dickens-era streetboy cap and grey tie-dye shirt) stopped along the sidewalk for a big yawn and stretch. I noticed two ajeemas approaching us, clearly talking about David and smiling. As they came up to us, one reached out, rubbed his chest, laughed, and kept walking. They thought he was adorable. He was mortified. : )

We kept wandering and decided to visit a grocery store we'd not seen before. In the front lot (hardly a parking lot - really just an enlarged sidewalk) was a small tent sale for men's clothing. Sam has been looking for the cool shorts men wear here (I call them "man capris" just to irritate him) and stopped to take a look, since the prices seemed much more reasonable than he'd seen elsewhere. The ajeema running the booth was very smiley; she quickly found some XL and XXL sizes for him, then gestured for Sam to come to the corner of the tent, behind a low display table. She opened a newspaper on the ground and pantomimed squatting and trying on the shorts. In an open-fronted sidewalk sale tent next to the store entrance. The ajeema was so eager to please, and I just can't pass up funny situations, so I strongly encouraged Sam to try on the shorts. Very reluctantly, he went to stand on the newspapers, but unable to change while squatting (these ladies must have amazing knees) and too tall for the display table to cover his important parts, he stuck one leg in while wearing his own shorts, quickly declared "too small!" and tore out of there. David and I tried hard to look calm and natural, but kept erupting in giggles. Sam has vowed revenge.
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