Here are some photos of kids at Bukbu beach (downtown), Jukdo market sights, and glimpses of creatures on campus in recent weeks.
I love to watch young Korean families. The Korean abortion rate is extremely high (some estimate 75% of pregnancies are aborted, despite its not being legal), so when babies are born into the right family situation, they are completely adored. I have never, ever seen a Korean kid have a tantrum or scream at his/her parents.
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This little one got cold, so her dad gave her his t-shirt and her mom continued the game of chase. |
Nick and I enjoyed watching a man tease delighted children with his carefully piloted kite. This little girl was shy at first, and finally "caught" the kite as the pilot walked it across the sand. |
More kids got into the fun, with a feisty "Frozen" fan in the lead. |
The big open-air market (Jukdo) never fails to amaze and delight me.
This woman used the same knife to scratch her eyebrow and peel the garlic she was selling.
Men don't usually carry fans, but this guy may have been preventing sunburn on his bald spot. Note that he is wearing gloves (and the food seller does not). Ah, Korea.
And, if you owned a clothing store, why wouldn't you name it Man Shopping and sit out front with friends? |
I love that Koreans value English, even if its annoying nuances get lost in translation. |
Finally, some creatures within a 3-minute walk of our building:
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This lovely thrush must have just smacked a window and broken its neck. It was heart-breakingly soft.
The thrush, that is, not the window. |
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We think these are chestnuts, will prickles that make sewing needles seem dull as yarn. |
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This fat guy and his many friends live happily in our garden's compost pile.
Tracey, my Australian friend, believes it's the grub of what she calls a Christmas Beetle and what I grew up calling a June Bug (though I have NEVER seen grubs this big in the US).
For daring readers interested in the lifestyle of this edible nightmare, just check Wikipedia under the entry
"cockchafers." Which itself may crack you up for days to come. |
I've seen the 2nd and 3rd Ho Bar, but never the 1st!