Monday, May 16, 2016

Inexplicable: More Signs

Many of the things I laughed and laughed at 3 years ago, I don't even notice anymore: the ubiquitous work gloves, arm sleeves, and ajumma visors; twig brooms; prancing, etc.  But I still find things that catch my attention and make me laugh as I continue exploring and learning about this culture.  Enjoy these with me.

In a coffee shop.  At the most popular surfing beach in Pohang.
Where no elk has ever, ever walked, let alone strutted with some baseless self-confidence.
(Google tells me this is part of a set sold by a Japanese interior design company.)
At a pet supply store.  I don't even know what this is, let alone which "goog frinds"
I might give it to.

I know that "canola" is also called "rapeseed."  I know that.
But COME ON, FOLKS!!  A rape blossom candle?  NOT OK.
(Amidst my horror-noises, the redundant "scented aroma" cracked me up though). 

This Busan Aquarium sign delighted me - its tone is so much warmer than
the objective, scientific tone of signs at U.S. zoos and aquariums.
But, of course, POOP is included in the drawing.  Ah, Korea. 

On the front of a dentist's office in Busan.
Not exactly the catchiest logo I've seen
(and it's impossible to memorize because it makes NO SENSE).
Fishing line. With a jaunty cartoon Duck Fisherman.  And a random band of cartoon fish.
I don't have a clue what this is about.

This sign on a university department's office door was a real problem for me
until I worked up the nerve to ask my beloved TA about it.  This was before I knew
of Kakao-talk friends and so I saw the drawing from the perspective of my
own sex-saturated culture. And I'M SORRY but in NO WAY did this look like a respectfully
bowing bunny with his bowing green friend.  Nope.  It sure looked liked a porno cartoon.  And how that related to manners at the office I could NOT imagine. Oh boy.

This special was featured right on the front of our Pizza Hut menu.
We selected another option.

Just in case you thought that was a typo in the previous picture, here it is again
INSIDE the menu. With a bizarre explanation of how many people
are ALSO topped on the pizza.  Which is rather horrible.
And also un-memorizable.

Well, dear reader, that's today's batch of signs.  Do you have a favorite?  Comments or explanations?  Write in the space below!  :)


  1. My favorite was some stationery that said, "I love to learn and contact with this world I live in, sliding on the ice pleasantly with my poodle."


I love your comments, questions, insights, etc. :)